In 1997, Charles helped direct the fundraising for Oregon’s Martin Luther King statue, and later joined the statue’s board of directors. Fundraising for the statue had been stalled for 8 years when Charles reinvigorated the effort and helped Betsy Brumm, Cheryl Perrin, and the Board of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Statue Foundation raise the money within 6 months. With Charles’ help, the statue was completed and dedicated on August 28, 1998, thirty five years to the day of Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech. For Charles, the site represents our community’s ongoing struggle for equality, freedom, and justice.
• Orchestrated the $300,000 fundraising effort for Oregon’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Statue under the direction of Cheryl Perrin and Betsy Brumm
• Coordinated appearances by Members of Congress, Mayor Vera Katz and Harry Belafonte